Ladies Curling News
Flamingo Bonspiel – March 15, 2017
The Flamingo was a great fund raising success again this year thanks to the hard work of Carol Collison. She worked the phones to ensure that both draws were full. Curlers came from Bobcaygeon, Cannington, Ennismore, Keene, Kirkfield, Lakefield, Lindsay, Little Brittan, Norwood, Peterborough, and West Northumberland (Cobourg), as well as our own club. Carol and Anna Scott scoured the neighbourhood businesses for prizes for the auction table, which not only very popular with the curlers, but a good money maker as well. The format for the day was two draws; each playing one 8-end game, lunch, one 6-end game and then dessert and prizes. Carol spread herself thin by not only hosting the game but helping in the kitchen and generally overseeing all the activities.
Thanks for all their hard work go to:
Karen Thompson who was Kitchen Captain for the morning, and Donna Brooks and Sue French for the afternoon.
Cheyenne Mifsud (Anna & George’s granddaughter) helped in the kitchen, and with various activities.
John French and George Scott ran the bar.
Wayne Stovell looked after the ice with help from George.
Anna looked after scoring and selling raffle tickets.
First Draw Winners: Skip -Alva Wakefield, Vice- Betty Archer, 2nd -Gloria Connell and Lead- Sherry Hill. This was a mixed team although we had them posted as coming from Omemee.
Second draw Winners: Skip -Jan Shaw, Vice Judi Curtis, 2nd -Judy Wilson, and lead –Sue Findley. They came from the West Northumberland Club. They were also the overall winners of the Spiel.
I’m sure that you all know that it takes a lot of work to run a successful spiel. Spiels provide much needed funds for our club, and those funds help the Board keep our yearly fees from rising. We are appealing to anyone out there who feels that they would be able to spare some time to help out with next year’s spiel. It would be helpful to have a committee to help, not only with the actual day, but with bringing new ideas, making follow-up calls, soliciting for prizes or in some cases doing the follow-up for them, etc. Please let Carol Collison know if you can help.
Same Omemee ladies participate in an interclub league with the following clubs: Campbellford, Ennismore, Keene, Lakefield, Marmora, Norwood, Peterborough Golf & Country Club, and Peterborough Curling Club. We each take a turn over the season to host a game and we each bring just one team when we go to other clubs. The games are on Fridays, usually in the morning. This is NOT a competitive but rather a fun league, fostering fellowship. Statistics are not kept.
At or near the end of the season it culminates in a Bonspiel hosted by a different club each year. Generally you submit teams for the spiel and the host team scrambles the curlers and you never know who you might be playing with that day. It’s a lot of fun and includes a good meal, and there are cash prizes for the winning teams.
If you would be interested in playing in next year’s interclub, contact Anna Scott at: 705-930-8339 or at: